Let's get this started the right way...
1. Packing sucks!
2. Chocolate and strawberries fix EVERYTHING!
3. Packing still sucks...(yes mom, I said sucks)
4. Moving from a city you like to a city you've never been to is scary...
5. The unknown is always exciting--scary, but exciting...
6. ABC family movies are retarded...especially when Melissa Joan Hart is trying to act in them...
7. Staying home on a Saturday night to pack when your friends keep calling you to go out is crap!
8. Vacuum storage bags really do work...no really, they do...
9. Thank God for the Oxygen network on a Saturday night....hah hah...the chick flick station...
10. I think after watching the MTV music awards 25.6 times I could re-enact R.Kelly's "In the Closet" better than he did!
So if you haven't gathered...I am taking a huge leap of faith and moving from Atlanta, Ga to Washington, DC. I have never been to DC, but have a great job opportunity. I hear that DC has lots to offer a single girl like myself....what, with all the museums and restaurants and social gatherings. I am not so sure about a southern girl who has never felt temperatures below 32 degrees in the north during the winter months....but we southern women adapt--to whatever is thrown at us.
The picture is my new haircut (here you go mom) and I am with my awesome friend Natalie...her little girl has been through soooo much...she was a heart patient of mine who would not be alive today without the constant faith and prayer of her family and friends! I'll put her carepage link up in case anybody wants to see her cute little face! I'll have more pictures of us after friday! I'm having dinner with Natalie and Chris, Chuck and Laura, and Jill and Steve...I'll miss you guys!
I am moving in the next week and a half...i don't know how often I will be able to post -- not that I have any readers anyhow, but it was nice to think they might be out there. =)
oh yeah, 11. Harry Connick Jr. is HOT (watching Hope Floats on the "oxygen network"...I can't believe I am that big of a loser!