Monday, October 31, 2005
"BABY BABY BABY", that is what I hear my 15 year old brother say to his girlfriend on the, for those of you who don't have a younger brother--I will try and describe the cringe that swept up and down my spine. I wouldn't say we were close by any stretch of the imagination, but to hear him talking to a girl like that was definitely a wake up call for me--he's not that annoying little boy anymore...he's growing up to become such a great guy (hopefully he won't be jaded by girls very soon)...My family is in town and to see them is like Godiva chocolate--soooo goood ( in my best Adam Sandler voice)....all the monuments in one day--whew...but, I am going to sleep tonight after being with my momma all day! I am getting my hair did tomorrow morning--pictures will follow...I promise! BABY
Sunday, October 23, 2005

I woke up today and it was so beautiful, but I was so melancholy....I have had a hard time meeting people here in DC. It is definitely true what they say about the north!!! (For those of you who don't think DC is the north, you obviously have never lived in the south!) People up here are nice once you get to know them, but they don't go out of their way to make friends. They will run over you in their car, cuss you out for driving like a normal person (and I've been driving in Atlanta for the past three years), and then flip you off just for good measure. The parking is soooo bad around here...I remember getting so frustrated in Atlanta because everywhere was valet parkingl. I get to place up here and am offended they don't have valet parking! The paradox of it all!
The weather has been absolutely breathtaking! The sunshine on my skin, the wind through my hair, and the cool air has been more amazing than words will ever be able to describe. The leaves are starting to change now and the view of the city is becoming more and more pituresque. I spent most of the day by myself today...I started the day by reading a little with my doors open..then went to see Elizabethtown (which I thought was great) and then had one of those moments where you are driving but don't really know where you are going...I wound up at the capitol...It wasn't like it was a premeditated trip...there I was just sitting at a redlight and it was right in front of me!

So magestic in its grace and's huge for those of you who have never been. There were people just sitting out and enjoying the day talking to their friends and chilling outside of the capitol like it was their front yard! From the steps you look behind you and you see the national's absolutely humbling! All the history classes you have ever taken could never prepare you for the grandeur and majesty of it all....thinking about George Washington and all of the great men who have walked exactly where you are standing at that moment! Ok so blah blah...I'm done with my patriotic diatribe...
So, I'll just come out and say it-- I miss Atlanta...I miss my friends and the familiar places...I miss having fifty people I could call on a saturday night and go anywhere I want and have someone to hang out with. I miss the hot men and the gorgeous women--I miss my gym with all the eye candy it possessed...I have met only a handful of people here and they are pretty much all the same. They are more concerned with how many people they are dating than the quality of the people they are dating. Watching the movie today, I laughed out loud at so many things other people turned around at me for...and I realized half way through the movie -- the reason they didn't laugh is because they didn't understand...the funniest part of the movie was because I "knew" those people....going back to small town Mississippi! The great-uncle you don't remember, but you pretend to as he is pinching your cheeks....the song "Freebird"...everyone always yells that anytime any live band is playing! I miss the south, but I am not giving up just yet! My mamaw (grandmother for those of you who don't know what a mamaw is) called me today and just checked in on me --she asked me about cute "nawthawn" boys...I told her I hadn't met any! She laughed and told me I should move back closer to home! Anything to get me closer to home--just like my mom...I miss you too! I'll be home soon!
Sunday, October 16, 2005

The land of cherry blossoms and politics has been a whirlwind so far...the Smithsonian, the museum of modern art and design, the national monument, the National Air and Space Museum, old town Alexandria...the list goes on and much to do--I know it has been a while since my last post, but getting here and getting everything set up and working has put me at this point...a cool, breezy Sunday afternoon with my french doors open and the sun shining on my face. It is a beautiful time of year -- the leaves are just now starting to change....and it has been sunny since I have been here.

I met a girl from Colorado and her brother the first day of orientation. It's nice they are here because it has given me some people to hang out with...we have had so much fun just hanging out -- playing a lot of pool! The apartments are very nice--they have a "pub" that has a pool table and darts and a couple of other games and tv's...we stop by and fix coffee before we take a hike across the field to the metro for an hour's ride to work.
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