HAPPY NEW YEAR--I have been traveling quite a bit lately, but not in exotic locations...I have been lucky enough to be able to see pretty much my whole family in the last two weeks...I have also been able to see friends I haven't seen in a couple of years, see their husbands and children I've never met because I've been busy traveling and working...it's nice to be able to sit and tell stories and listen to how their lives have played out.

Granted, I have had to work at sitting still...I still can't drive anywhere because of insurance purposes with this cast, but I can move all of my fingers and I am even typing with two hands now...It's been an interesting journey with this broken wrist, but I have enjoyed the slow pace my life has taken within the past couple of weeks...

Interesting life I lead--broken wrist snowboarding and kidnapped by hell's angels--I am at my dad's house right now...he bought a bike last year and he just had really loud pipes put on it--he took me on a ride the other day--yes, broken arm and all...I have to admit--I was a little nervous when we started turning and I could only hold on with one hand...But the bike is sooooo nice...I'm still alive in one piece (except my wrist of course)...my brother and sister went back to school today and I have been all alone in the house for the first time since I've been injured...I've watched more movies than I care to count and even folded some clothes today...that is a huge accomplishment for those that have never tried to fold clothes with one hand...it only took me an hour! hah...

Hopefully, I get this cast off on Tuesday and a smaller one put on! Then it's off to VEGAS with Mia Peretti and Brock Nelson...Josh is also flying out...we've got to come up with a good bar name for him...so there should be good pictures and great stories!

~Ava B.
hey amber its Olivia! You should tell the people about the "african!!!"
Is that a snowball?
Love, Mia
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