Boston is a funny's so beautiful and most everyone walks everywhere--but no one stops and looks at what an exquisite masterpiece they are walking through...I went to the movies today and it was about 70 degrees and sunny when i left my apt. Went to the movie and after it was over--people were talking about what a bad storm had just passed through...the streets were glistening from the freshly fallen rain and the sun was shining -- only it was about 55 degrees...The walk home is breathtaking...through a huge park (the central park of Boston) where trees are a perfect shade of green and the flowers are ones you could only hope to see in your man's arms. (I did take some pics but my camera died -- so I'll post them next time). There was a little italian market on the way home--I stopped in and grabbed a few things...and noticed everyone around me had a straight gaze and their ipod in their ears....drowning out the sound of the city. The trolleys with the tourists, the swish of the water as cars go by, and the chatter and laughter of the children playing with their parents. I stopped in to say hello to my favorite waitor at my favorite french restaurant (expensive--but so worth it!). He's from Brazil and it seems is the only person who knows me in this city--wait, knows my name! He's always excited to see me and gives me a kiss on each cheek...asks me how I am doing and where my boyfriend is...
I say goodbye and again kiss on each cheek as if we've known each other for years...
No ipod
Just enjoying the sun and the cool breeze...
Even if I don't know anybody
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Friday, May 12, 2006
PATIENCE is definitely not my forte'! I have been sitting in my apt (with no cable) since 0830 this morning watiing on UPS...and guess what--THEY STILL AREN'T HERE! At least it isn't raining...that's about the only good thing I can say...
In other news...there really isn't any...I'm glad I didn't have to get up at 5am...I can say that...I don't even know if it's still cold outside's foggy and windy...hopefully, this doesn't last very long!!!!
How do you go grocery shopping when you don't have a car?? I haven't really figured all that out yet.
In other news...there really isn't any...I'm glad I didn't have to get up at 5am...I can say that...I don't even know if it's still cold outside's foggy and windy...hopefully, this doesn't last very long!!!!
How do you go grocery shopping when you don't have a car?? I haven't really figured all that out yet.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The weather finally turned's rainy and cold....I have nothing to do -- no books to read, no tv to watch (they cut off my free cable...) and nothing to unpack...UPS isn't going to be able to deliver my stuff until FRIDAY! I am sleeping with a towel over me for a blanket because my dumb #$% packed all my sheets and blankets in a box...good thinking there sherlock!
But I still love Boston...I went and got a mani/pedi today in the pouring down's right down from where I live...not as close as I thought...i was running through the cold rain with flip flops and my Georgetown hoodie! Oh, the mississippi girl in Boston!
First day of work was yesterday--it went really well...the hospital is huge and the unit is 27 beds--most of the units I have worked in are about 15 or so beds...everyone was nice and helpful...I haven't met my preceptor yet...but hopefully she'll be equally as one can understand me when i talk...I have to repeat myself about 17.3 times....yesterday this girl asked me what my middle initial was -- I said, "iiinn" and she said, "a"..."no???" I said...." in Nicole"....she looked puzzled and said "ooooohhhhh, I thought you were saying Ann" was really funny...she turned really red and laughed...
Well, there is one thing that the rain is good for...napping!
Here are some more pics...

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Newberry street--Lots of shops and restaurants!
What a beautiful city! There are parks everywhere and everyone is loving being outside! I had brunch at the cutest little french restaurant today...we sat outside and sipped mimosas and went to the park and people watched...the weather is sunny and about 75 degrees...there are cute bakeries and flower shops everywhere. I live right outside Beacon Hill which is one of the nicer areas in has all these cute streets with rowhouses and shops that are in the basement. I saw Fenway people know what going to a baseball game is all about! Everyone is really excited about every game...bleacher seats go for $90 a piece...can you believe that? EVERYONE is dressed in Redsox gear...Atlanta didn't have that..(sorry Gary, I know you don't want to hear about it!)

Tomorrow I start work...I took the shuttle the other day and then walked a couple of blocks to the is HUGE...I hope everything goes okay...I don't really know what to expect -- I usually have one day of orientation, but here I have two weeks...
My stuff should get here tomorrow and then I'll get cable set up on Tuesday...I am on day shift the first month and I don't know what it will be after that..anyway, that's all for now...I thought I would give you guys some pictures! Bye!

The view from my apt!

Saturday, May 06, 2006
The land of Redsox caps and grating accents…I think a redsox baseball cap just might be a requirement for living here…they are proud…aren’t they?
I am on plane heading to a foreign land…okay, maybe not so foreign to some of you—but to someone who has never been north of DC…it’s foreign…I’m afraid to say anything – fearing I’ll be thought of a someone from a different land! Hah, I guess I am…
I passed through Atlanta on the way to Beantown…I miss Atlanta more than I thought I would…the summers there were great—hot, but great…it seems everything—I should probably say everyone—has changed so much since I left…Two of my friends are engaged and the others say they don’t do all the things we used to do…everything changes…
Everyone asks me what the first thing I am going to do once I get to Boston is??? Drop my bags off and go walking around the city…I’ll take the subway to work tomorrow (Friday) to see how long it takes me—go running along the Charles River…and start snapping my pictures!
Turning up the volume on my ipod now---there’s a kid screaming bloody murder—is everybody sure I’ll like my own kids? I will pour Benadryl down their throat before I put them on a plane…oh my, they have two kids and the second one has started screaming…
We are flying over NYC—hey Mia Peretti! I am so excited to get to visit all these places I have never been before…hopefully, I’ll get to post pics and everything…I tried to set up cable and everything already, but my building isn’t wired for cable…what the heck?? Who doesn’t have cable wired in a building??? What am I gonna do without my computer?
Now, I’m just babbling…I’ll update later! I love you guys…give me a call…I’m sure I won’t have a thing to do –seeing as I know no one in this city!
I am on plane heading to a foreign land…okay, maybe not so foreign to some of you—but to someone who has never been north of DC…it’s foreign…I’m afraid to say anything – fearing I’ll be thought of a someone from a different land! Hah, I guess I am…
I passed through Atlanta on the way to Beantown…I miss Atlanta more than I thought I would…the summers there were great—hot, but great…it seems everything—I should probably say everyone—has changed so much since I left…Two of my friends are engaged and the others say they don’t do all the things we used to do…everything changes…
Everyone asks me what the first thing I am going to do once I get to Boston is??? Drop my bags off and go walking around the city…I’ll take the subway to work tomorrow (Friday) to see how long it takes me—go running along the Charles River…and start snapping my pictures!
Turning up the volume on my ipod now---there’s a kid screaming bloody murder—is everybody sure I’ll like my own kids? I will pour Benadryl down their throat before I put them on a plane…oh my, they have two kids and the second one has started screaming…
We are flying over NYC—hey Mia Peretti! I am so excited to get to visit all these places I have never been before…hopefully, I’ll get to post pics and everything…I tried to set up cable and everything already, but my building isn’t wired for cable…what the heck?? Who doesn’t have cable wired in a building??? What am I gonna do without my computer?
Now, I’m just babbling…I’ll update later! I love you guys…give me a call…I’m sure I won’t have a thing to do –seeing as I know no one in this city!
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