The weather finally turned bad...it's rainy and cold....I have nothing to do -- no books to read, no tv to watch (they cut off my free cable...) and nothing to unpack...UPS isn't going to be able to deliver my stuff until FRIDAY! I am sleeping with a towel over me for a blanket because my dumb #$% packed all my sheets and blankets in a box...good thinking there sherlock!
But I still love Boston...I went and got a mani/pedi today in the pouring down rain..it's right down from where I live...not as close as I thought...i was running through the cold rain with flip flops and my Georgetown hoodie! Oh, the mississippi girl in Boston!
First day of work was yesterday--it went really well...the hospital is huge and the unit is 27 beds--most of the units I have worked in are about 15 or so beds...everyone was nice and helpful...I haven't met my preceptor yet...but hopefully she'll be equally as nice...no one can understand me when i talk...I have to repeat myself about 17.3 times....yesterday this girl asked me what my middle initial was -- I said, "iiinn" and she said, "a"..."no???" I said...."iiiiinnnnn...as in Nicole"....she looked puzzled and said "ooooohhhhh, I thought you were saying Ann"...hah...it was really funny...she turned really red and laughed...
Well, there is one thing that the rain is good for...napping!
Here are some more pics...

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