Sheeeeee's Baaaaaack....
It's been a while--I know...I didn't realize how many of you checked up on me through this makes me smile when all of you email me and yell at me to post something.....there's so much to say these days and so little time...
By the way--IT'S A GIRL!! I had my 20 week ultrasound and she showed her stuff...she's healthy and already moving around like she wants out...the sonographer got some great ultrasound pics -- I think she's gonna be one of the pics she has her leg stuck straight up in the air and her foot goes over her was the sweetest moment of my life to see my little girl's heart beating and her moving around...I had my mom and Casey conference called in when I found was crying and Casey was all confused whether it was a boy or a girl...but after my aunt and I stopped screaming we clarified everything!
I can feel her move every once in a while...when I lay down to go to sleep I can feel her heart beat against mine...hers is beating about twice the speed mine is--it's an awesome thing to fall asleep to.
I am in the process of looking to buy a house. I have gotten prequalified and am looking in different neighborhoods right's a lot to deal with--having a new job, being pregnant, and looking for a house...I have never worked five days a week and had to wear business attire to work before. It's a really great job and the hours are super flexible, but it still takes some getting used to!
Anyway, I promise to put some pics up soon...i really don't have any of me pregnant yet...I have just barely started showing--you can almost tell I'm pregnant by looking at me.
Thanks again for your thoughts--i need them--especially right now! Oh, and if I had your phone number--email it to me because my address book was about a pain in the butt!
Friday, September 08, 2006
Monday, June 19, 2006
It's my last night in Boston...Yay!! I am leaving at noon tomorrow and going to new york city to see one of my best friends! I haven't seen her in six months...I can't believe it's been that long! I've never been to NYC and am excited to see all the things one needs to see in their lifetime! I'm soooo tired...I've been packing for the last few days and the UPS man just left with my, I just need to finish cleaning and packing my suitcases...and take out some trash...I'm so tired of living here and being as white as the dry wall! I'm coming home!!!!
Saturday, June 17, 2006

Yes, the rumors are true...
I am moving back to the land of humidity and heat--Little Rock, Ar. will be my home for a little while longer...I loathe the city of Boston...I can't take the culture shock. It's not that I don't have a deep appreciation for the history of the city or even that I hate the accent....I miss the south! So back to where "y'all" and "yes maam" aren't laughable - they are expected...I'll see you friday!
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Boston is a funny's so beautiful and most everyone walks everywhere--but no one stops and looks at what an exquisite masterpiece they are walking through...I went to the movies today and it was about 70 degrees and sunny when i left my apt. Went to the movie and after it was over--people were talking about what a bad storm had just passed through...the streets were glistening from the freshly fallen rain and the sun was shining -- only it was about 55 degrees...The walk home is breathtaking...through a huge park (the central park of Boston) where trees are a perfect shade of green and the flowers are ones you could only hope to see in your man's arms. (I did take some pics but my camera died -- so I'll post them next time). There was a little italian market on the way home--I stopped in and grabbed a few things...and noticed everyone around me had a straight gaze and their ipod in their ears....drowning out the sound of the city. The trolleys with the tourists, the swish of the water as cars go by, and the chatter and laughter of the children playing with their parents. I stopped in to say hello to my favorite waitor at my favorite french restaurant (expensive--but so worth it!). He's from Brazil and it seems is the only person who knows me in this city--wait, knows my name! He's always excited to see me and gives me a kiss on each cheek...asks me how I am doing and where my boyfriend is...
I say goodbye and again kiss on each cheek as if we've known each other for years...
No ipod
Just enjoying the sun and the cool breeze...
Even if I don't know anybody
I say goodbye and again kiss on each cheek as if we've known each other for years...
No ipod
Just enjoying the sun and the cool breeze...
Even if I don't know anybody
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Friday, May 12, 2006
PATIENCE is definitely not my forte'! I have been sitting in my apt (with no cable) since 0830 this morning watiing on UPS...and guess what--THEY STILL AREN'T HERE! At least it isn't raining...that's about the only good thing I can say...
In other news...there really isn't any...I'm glad I didn't have to get up at 5am...I can say that...I don't even know if it's still cold outside's foggy and windy...hopefully, this doesn't last very long!!!!
How do you go grocery shopping when you don't have a car?? I haven't really figured all that out yet.
In other news...there really isn't any...I'm glad I didn't have to get up at 5am...I can say that...I don't even know if it's still cold outside's foggy and windy...hopefully, this doesn't last very long!!!!
How do you go grocery shopping when you don't have a car?? I haven't really figured all that out yet.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The weather finally turned's rainy and cold....I have nothing to do -- no books to read, no tv to watch (they cut off my free cable...) and nothing to unpack...UPS isn't going to be able to deliver my stuff until FRIDAY! I am sleeping with a towel over me for a blanket because my dumb #$% packed all my sheets and blankets in a box...good thinking there sherlock!
But I still love Boston...I went and got a mani/pedi today in the pouring down's right down from where I live...not as close as I thought...i was running through the cold rain with flip flops and my Georgetown hoodie! Oh, the mississippi girl in Boston!
First day of work was yesterday--it went really well...the hospital is huge and the unit is 27 beds--most of the units I have worked in are about 15 or so beds...everyone was nice and helpful...I haven't met my preceptor yet...but hopefully she'll be equally as one can understand me when i talk...I have to repeat myself about 17.3 times....yesterday this girl asked me what my middle initial was -- I said, "iiinn" and she said, "a"..."no???" I said...." in Nicole"....she looked puzzled and said "ooooohhhhh, I thought you were saying Ann" was really funny...she turned really red and laughed...
Well, there is one thing that the rain is good for...napping!
Here are some more pics...

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Newberry street--Lots of shops and restaurants!
What a beautiful city! There are parks everywhere and everyone is loving being outside! I had brunch at the cutest little french restaurant today...we sat outside and sipped mimosas and went to the park and people watched...the weather is sunny and about 75 degrees...there are cute bakeries and flower shops everywhere. I live right outside Beacon Hill which is one of the nicer areas in has all these cute streets with rowhouses and shops that are in the basement. I saw Fenway people know what going to a baseball game is all about! Everyone is really excited about every game...bleacher seats go for $90 a piece...can you believe that? EVERYONE is dressed in Redsox gear...Atlanta didn't have that..(sorry Gary, I know you don't want to hear about it!)

Tomorrow I start work...I took the shuttle the other day and then walked a couple of blocks to the is HUGE...I hope everything goes okay...I don't really know what to expect -- I usually have one day of orientation, but here I have two weeks...
My stuff should get here tomorrow and then I'll get cable set up on Tuesday...I am on day shift the first month and I don't know what it will be after that..anyway, that's all for now...I thought I would give you guys some pictures! Bye!

The view from my apt!

Saturday, May 06, 2006
The land of Redsox caps and grating accents…I think a redsox baseball cap just might be a requirement for living here…they are proud…aren’t they?
I am on plane heading to a foreign land…okay, maybe not so foreign to some of you—but to someone who has never been north of DC…it’s foreign…I’m afraid to say anything – fearing I’ll be thought of a someone from a different land! Hah, I guess I am…
I passed through Atlanta on the way to Beantown…I miss Atlanta more than I thought I would…the summers there were great—hot, but great…it seems everything—I should probably say everyone—has changed so much since I left…Two of my friends are engaged and the others say they don’t do all the things we used to do…everything changes…
Everyone asks me what the first thing I am going to do once I get to Boston is??? Drop my bags off and go walking around the city…I’ll take the subway to work tomorrow (Friday) to see how long it takes me—go running along the Charles River…and start snapping my pictures!
Turning up the volume on my ipod now---there’s a kid screaming bloody murder—is everybody sure I’ll like my own kids? I will pour Benadryl down their throat before I put them on a plane…oh my, they have two kids and the second one has started screaming…
We are flying over NYC—hey Mia Peretti! I am so excited to get to visit all these places I have never been before…hopefully, I’ll get to post pics and everything…I tried to set up cable and everything already, but my building isn’t wired for cable…what the heck?? Who doesn’t have cable wired in a building??? What am I gonna do without my computer?
Now, I’m just babbling…I’ll update later! I love you guys…give me a call…I’m sure I won’t have a thing to do –seeing as I know no one in this city!
I am on plane heading to a foreign land…okay, maybe not so foreign to some of you—but to someone who has never been north of DC…it’s foreign…I’m afraid to say anything – fearing I’ll be thought of a someone from a different land! Hah, I guess I am…
I passed through Atlanta on the way to Beantown…I miss Atlanta more than I thought I would…the summers there were great—hot, but great…it seems everything—I should probably say everyone—has changed so much since I left…Two of my friends are engaged and the others say they don’t do all the things we used to do…everything changes…
Everyone asks me what the first thing I am going to do once I get to Boston is??? Drop my bags off and go walking around the city…I’ll take the subway to work tomorrow (Friday) to see how long it takes me—go running along the Charles River…and start snapping my pictures!
Turning up the volume on my ipod now---there’s a kid screaming bloody murder—is everybody sure I’ll like my own kids? I will pour Benadryl down their throat before I put them on a plane…oh my, they have two kids and the second one has started screaming…
We are flying over NYC—hey Mia Peretti! I am so excited to get to visit all these places I have never been before…hopefully, I’ll get to post pics and everything…I tried to set up cable and everything already, but my building isn’t wired for cable…what the heck?? Who doesn’t have cable wired in a building??? What am I gonna do without my computer?
Now, I’m just babbling…I’ll update later! I love you guys…give me a call…I’m sure I won’t have a thing to do –seeing as I know no one in this city!
Saturday, April 22, 2006

Mia Peretti is moving to NEW YORK CITY today! I am so excited for her--and it makes me super excited to get to Boston!!! I have to work tonight and three more days next week and I am DONE! Packing is going to be crazy since I have to ship everything or take it on the plane with me...I have new PINK's great....
Taylor (my 15 yr old brother) came to visit me this past week...we had a great time...we went to see The Benchwarmers...oh my--it is the funniest movie! I didn't think it would be nearly that funny, but I laughed through the whole thing,..we went and tried to climb Pinnacle but we made it to level 5--Taylor's crocs weren't the mountain shoes he thought they were! Anyway, here are some pics...I love you guys!

Thursday, April 20, 2006
Why is goodbye so hard? Maybe it will be the last time you smell the scent you are so familiar with, the last time you stare into their eyes, or feel their arms wrapping around you in a hug you never want to have plans to see each other again--them to come and visit--you have plans to come back...if not forever, for a little while...will all your plans happen--probably not, but where does it go wrong? Where do you lose the friendship and how do you stop it from do you save it....
I have plenty of friends, that are still my closest friends, who live all across the country--and then I have those friends who I thought were some of my closest friends, but never called once my tires crossed over the county there a certain amount of "life" you have to go through with someone to call them friend? I know their are certain reasons God brings people into your life, but it's hard to let go sometimes....
Goodbye Little Rock.

I have plenty of friends, that are still my closest friends, who live all across the country--and then I have those friends who I thought were some of my closest friends, but never called once my tires crossed over the county there a certain amount of "life" you have to go through with someone to call them friend? I know their are certain reasons God brings people into your life, but it's hard to let go sometimes....
Goodbye Little Rock.

Friday, March 17, 2006
I am off to Dallas for the weekend...I am going to see a friend of mine from Atlanta that moved to Dallas a few months after I left...She taught me the only three phrases of French I know....(I know it's hard to imagine me speaking French!)
Anyway--not much to say...just wanted to check in. I am at work --it's 5:45--I am leaving from here to get on a plane for a couple of hours...whew -- what a long night! I'll post pics of me and Juls!!!
I am off to Dallas for the weekend...I am going to see a friend of mine from Atlanta that moved to Dallas a few months after I left...She taught me the only three phrases of French I know....(I know it's hard to imagine me speaking French!)
Anyway--not much to say...just wanted to check in. I am at work --it's 5:45--I am leaving from here to get on a plane for a couple of hours...whew -- what a long night! I'll post pics of me and Juls!!!
Monday, March 13, 2006
So, I am flying to Boston the first week in May to set up shop for the summer...I will be living right on the Charles River in the Charles River Park apartments...the apts. are soooo nice...I am really excited about this assignment...I think the work will be challenging and the city will be beautiful...
I have been extremely frustrated the last couple of weeks with my current position. I have had to go work in different units than I was hired in and that's never a fun thing...usually I go and work in the PICU (pediatric ICU) but the other day I was floated for four hours to the burn unit...I think I would have rather had to run for four straight hours than work down there...I don't really have patience for stupidity and the pt I had was being young and dumb when he caught himself on fire...the other issue with this hospital is the power play the ladies in management have...I called in sick the other day and the assistant manager of the unit called and harrassed me about it on Monday...then she gave my company a substandard evaluation of my work...being sick has nothing to do with my work...I don't even know this lady...never seen her, much less worked with her for her to know if I am a good or bad nurse...anyway, these are just a few of the things that led me to Boston...I really feel good about the decision although it was a hard one...You guys have been kind of quiet -- I want to hear from you!
Ava is coming back Brock and Mia...see you soon.
I have been extremely frustrated the last couple of weeks with my current position. I have had to go work in different units than I was hired in and that's never a fun thing...usually I go and work in the PICU (pediatric ICU) but the other day I was floated for four hours to the burn unit...I think I would have rather had to run for four straight hours than work down there...I don't really have patience for stupidity and the pt I had was being young and dumb when he caught himself on fire...the other issue with this hospital is the power play the ladies in management have...I called in sick the other day and the assistant manager of the unit called and harrassed me about it on Monday...then she gave my company a substandard evaluation of my work...being sick has nothing to do with my work...I don't even know this lady...never seen her, much less worked with her for her to know if I am a good or bad nurse...anyway, these are just a few of the things that led me to Boston...I really feel good about the decision although it was a hard one...You guys have been kind of quiet -- I want to hear from you!
Ava is coming back Brock and Mia...see you soon.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Back to the broken wrist...I have my followup appointment I came home to see mom and the fam...good, quick trip...everyone is good...I'll be back in Little Rock contract is up in Little Rock in the next month. I have a ton of choices, but I have narrowed it down to Boston or staying in Little Rock...they have reoffered me the bonus...I'll let you know what I decide!
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Happy Spring Everyone...things are going just fine here in the small town of Little Rock...It seems to be the perfect dose of medicine for me...I have rested well and have been working real news...of course, there have been dates and tears over some of those dates, but then the next one comes along and makes up for the jerk who didn't know what he was letting go. (Isn't that what I'm supposed to say?) No seriously...I am really liking the city...not a heck of a lot to do here, but it's a very easy going city. I want to go to Boston for baseball season, but I don't know if that is going to happen or not...currently, there are no ICU jobs open there from what I hear, but that can't be the case...I kind of have a feeling my recruiters are jerking me around like they have been on a couple of other we'll see what happens.
The people here are super--I have met a wonderful friend much fun, beautiful, and the greatest personality! I will try to post a pic of us in the next couple of days...we got some snow and ice here a couple of weeks ago and I got snowed in at her house with her and her two daughters...It was loads of fun...eating junk food and not working out!
I went to my first Catholic mass on Sunday night...very interesting and eye opening...the things you here being brought up southern baptist aren't always the correct things about's always good to experience it first hand...a lot of up and down and saying "watermelon watermelon watermelon", but other than that -- I was intrigued...and went to target on a date after least I think it was a date....hmm...that's definitely a later blog!
Brock Nelson--I wish you the best of luck in LA buddy! I'll come see you sometime this month and Mia Peretti--we'll figure out how to get together soon!
The people here are super--I have met a wonderful friend much fun, beautiful, and the greatest personality! I will try to post a pic of us in the next couple of days...we got some snow and ice here a couple of weeks ago and I got snowed in at her house with her and her two daughters...It was loads of fun...eating junk food and not working out!
I went to my first Catholic mass on Sunday night...very interesting and eye opening...the things you here being brought up southern baptist aren't always the correct things about's always good to experience it first hand...a lot of up and down and saying "watermelon watermelon watermelon", but other than that -- I was intrigued...and went to target on a date after least I think it was a date....hmm...that's definitely a later blog!
Brock Nelson--I wish you the best of luck in LA buddy! I'll come see you sometime this month and Mia Peretti--we'll figure out how to get together soon!
Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Singles Awareness Day everyone! I am still enjoying my time here in Little Rock...I went and spent the night with my grandfather this past weekend -- it was soooo good to see him...he hasn't been in the best of health these past few years and is continuing to have health problems....but he's up and walking around--and in good spirits, it seems....He's such a special part of me--we spent a lot of time together when I was younger--it was good to reminisce with him! He is a master story teller, although these days his memory is starting to fail him...he tells stories of me running away from home, picking my grandmother's flowers from the yard -- and being so proud of it! Stories of country girls and those "damn goats"...sweltering summers under the oak tree...and picking vegetables out of the garden! Although he is older now, and can't do the things he wants to do--he will forever remain as agile and strong as when I was just a little girl playing out his front yard! I love you papaw--YOU will forever be my sweetheart!

~Amber Nicole
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Arkansas -- wow...I never expected it to be like this...first of all, I have to drive through the forest to get to my apt. The city is really spread out...I live way out in the west part of Little Rock (which is a really nice part), but everything is really more central than I live...I have to find a gym asap...that is pretty much the only thing to do here--but no one seems to go to the gym! It is actually a very nice city...a bit smaller than I thought it would be, but I am really enjoying it so far! It's nice to feel like I am at home...
The hospital is awesome...a really good and effecient unit. The surgeon is off this week so they are a bit slow which is good since I am in orientation. I really start on my own Friday night. They do some really good things, but they are definitely behind the times...for my medical friends...they are just now getting biopatches to use on their lines. They don't dress their heart lines...they just leave them open to air. Their flowsheet is on a drawing board instead of a bedside table. Everyone is super nice...and they don't treat me like an idiot. They ask questions about different ways to do things. I get the feeling the nurses don't have a lot of autonomy here though. The doctors hardly ever talk to the nurses--even in rounds. And it is not a teaching hospital--no residents or fellows--which is going to be nice! Anyway, enough mumbo jumbo...
It will definitely be an adventure here--that's for sure! The weather is super nice...I haven't worn a jacket since I have been here...the temp has been in the high 60's...
The hospital is awesome...a really good and effecient unit. The surgeon is off this week so they are a bit slow which is good since I am in orientation. I really start on my own Friday night. They do some really good things, but they are definitely behind the times...for my medical friends...they are just now getting biopatches to use on their lines. They don't dress their heart lines...they just leave them open to air. Their flowsheet is on a drawing board instead of a bedside table. Everyone is super nice...and they don't treat me like an idiot. They ask questions about different ways to do things. I get the feeling the nurses don't have a lot of autonomy here though. The doctors hardly ever talk to the nurses--even in rounds. And it is not a teaching hospital--no residents or fellows--which is going to be nice! Anyway, enough mumbo jumbo...
It will definitely be an adventure here--that's for sure! The weather is super nice...I haven't worn a jacket since I have been here...the temp has been in the high 60's...
Friday, January 27, 2006
THE CAST IS OFF!!!! Six long weeks...but I'm finally going back to work! My wrist is a little sore and he gave me a splint to wear while lifting things...(that will get plenty of work this weekend moving)!! So, I am off to Little Rock--I'll be out of the internet loop all weekend...the cable guys are coming monday...
Wednesday, January 25, 2006

So tomorrow should be the big day--my cast is SUPPOSEDLY coming off...for those of you who don't nursing position in Little Rock, AR was postponed by a week--making this the fifth week i haven't worked...which makes it very hard on finances...Anyway, everyone please say a quick prayer for my wrist -- I really need and WANT to get back to work...
I talked to a few good friends back in Atlanta yesterday...I took care of their children in the ICU in Atlanta the past couple of years...they are both doing well...This picture is of Mia...the first one is of her in the ICU...Mia was probably the sickest little girl I've ever seen after surgery...she had a really hard time, but she made it through and will actually have to go back to surgery sometime this year...Mia turned two and is doing extremely well...Her parents, Chris and Natalie, mean the world to me!!! I'll get back to Atlanta soon you two!

This is Mia a few weeks ago!!! Natalie says she is walking now--yea!!! And she said a few words to me on the phone yesterday!!! I love you sweet girl!
I haven't been doing much this past week...trying to do a lot more with my left is definitely getting stronger, but I am all too eager to get back in the gym!!!! Hiring a trainer in Little Rock will be a number one priority...I have started reading The Purpose Driven Life...I am probably the last one to read it, but I'lll let you know how it goes...
Thank you for all your phone calls and really means so much to me to hear from all of you guys! It has been tough not being in my element, but having a "home" here with my family has been invaluable! Mom wanted to know if I wanted to buy a house here in Center Star, Al??? *huge laugh* I'll think about it mom! Tomorrow is my last day with her and Sophie...I'll miss them...
Did anyone see the Oprah show yesterday on the bird flu??? What did you think? I need to hear someone else's opinion before I share mine...
Love you guys,
Saturday, January 21, 2006

My mom is keeping this little girl that her neighbor's adopted from the Ukraine...she is a really cute little girl, but the most impressive thing to me is her personality. She loves to dance--to anything...a commercial can come on the tv and she'll start dancing...her speech is of course a little hard to understand, her being two and all...she calls my mom "titi" (my mom's name is tina)'s hilarious...she just looks and you and smiles after she says it...She has a wonderful family and a wonderful sitter (though I might be a little biased on that)....She's a lucky little girl...Her mom has a blog that she has kept from the beginning of the process of adopting Sophie...It's a great website and I'll put the link up...Here are a couple of pics of Sophie...Enjoy!!

Friday, January 20, 2006

Back from Vegas...very tired...spent all of my birthday in the airport! I missed my flight so I wound up not getting home until about 10 CST which is 8 Vegas basically it was another 12 hour traveling day...

Vegas was a blast...I would like to say it was without drama, but I would be lying...The biggest mistake you could ever make is to take someone you actually like to Vegas...because by the aren't going to like them in the least bit...Let's just say we turned in to evil practical jokers--Brock, Mia, and I were all fine...we rocked the Hard Rock at least three nights...we saw all the UFC guys and went to a party of theirs...The guy from fear factor was there...too bad Nico wasn't there, Mia...he could have name dropped him now!!! I find name dropping extremely annoying...Mia was "dating" this guy who knew- somebody- who -was- about -to -get- out- of- work- that- could- get- us- into- somewhere- that- was- really -really -cool- and- we- are- just- going- to- wait- on- him- for- another- couple- of- minutes...he tried to name drop all night and really the only person who got dropped was him by the end of the night...we lost him...after we got rid of him, we actually had a lot of fun...

The hotels are crazy big...bigger than I ever thought they would be. The Paris was probably my favorite followed by Caesar's Palace...The Bellagio was nice, but the bartender was SMOKING HOT...Hah hah "fruit loop" Brock N! I didn't gamble at all...I just always think of what I could have spent that money on...but I have no problem gambling other people's money! I wound up seeing a couple of people I knew from Mississippi way back when...they were standing at the bar--both were in town for business--we haven't seen each other for about five years...crazy, how small of a world it is...

I don't know when i am going to AR...the past couple of days have been so crazy...I guess they decided it wasn't in their (the hospital) best interest to have me come right now with a cast on my hand...which is fine, but they should have told me that before the day I was going to move...everything is up in the air at this point...I have to start next week though or my insurance lapses...anyway--it will work out...I am just anxious to get this cast off and go back to my regular life.
Enjoy the pictures...

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

HAPPY NEW YEAR--I have been traveling quite a bit lately, but not in exotic locations...I have been lucky enough to be able to see pretty much my whole family in the last two weeks...I have also been able to see friends I haven't seen in a couple of years, see their husbands and children I've never met because I've been busy traveling and's nice to be able to sit and tell stories and listen to how their lives have played out.

~Ava B.
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